According to the New Jersey State Department of Education, the following guidelines will be followed when administering medications:
AEDs – Each school building has an available automated external defibrillator (AED) that is unlocked and accessible during the school day for sudden cardiac events. Epinephrine – Each school building has employees who volunteer to be trained and designated by the school nurse to administer epinephrine during an anaphylactic emergency. AED's on Campus
Height, Weight, Vision, Hearing and Blood Pressure Screenings Any parent/guardian, counselor, teacher, or student may request a vision or hearing screening at any time during the school year if a problem is suspected. Height, weight, and blood pressure screenings are conducted annually. Visual acuity is conducted biennially through grade 10 and auditory acuity is conducted in grades 7 and 11. Please contact the school nurse if you do not have vision insurance and need assistance getting an eye exam and purchasing glasses for a student.
Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine which can have complications in a child's life. Ten percent of the population of the United States has some form of scoliosis. Of that ten percent, only one per-cent require treatment. A scoliosis examination is performed bi annually on students between the ages of 10-18. Any parent/guardian wishing his or her child to be excluded from this examination must contact the school nurse.
Physical Exam A medical exam is recommended at least once during each developmental stage; grade 7-12. Contact your child’s medical home for an exam and send in any medical exam forms to the health office. Please update the school nurse of any changes in your child’s health through written documentation.
According to the New Jersey law, every student is required to have the following immunizations:
DPT - 3 doses of Td or combination of DTP, DTaP, DT equal to 3 doses. Tdap - 1 dose for students born on/after 1-1-97. Polio - Must have received at least three doses of oral polio vaccine. Measles - Two vaccinations are required if born after 1/1/90, or labora-tory evidence of immunity must be provided. Mumps and Rubella - one vaccination or provide laboratory evi-dence of immunity. Hepatitis B - All students must have a completed series of immuniza-tions or laboratory evidence of immunity. Meningococcal - 1 dose for students born on/after 1-1-97. Varicella – 1 does required for children born on or after 1-1-98 TB - Students transferring into a NJ school directly from a high TB incidence country may be required to have a mantoux tuberculin test or present proof of having had one within six months. These students will also be required, within one month, to have a physical examination or provide proof that one had been performed within one year of enrollment.