Transportation Department

Contact Information
Telephone: (609) 597-9481
Ext. 4343
Important Information on Late Buses
The Southern Regional Transportation Department will be running late buses during
the school year. The scheduled times are 3:00 and 5:15 PM. This schedule will remain in effect
Monday through Friday and may change due to inclement weather conditions, early
dismissals and/or emergency school closings.
General Information
A majority of the students at Southern Regional are dependent upon the bus transportation
to get to and from school. This means that a few reasonable and necessary regulations
must be stated and enforced.
- Students should be on time at the designated bus stops.
- Good order is essential. The bus driver is the person of authority in full charge
of his/her bus and shall be responsible for good order.
- The driver may assign to each student a definite seat which the student shall occupy
subject to change by the Principal and/or the bus driver and/or the Assistant Principal.
- Students are to use seatbelts where provided.
- The bus driver will report unmanageable students to the Administration for disciplinary
- All school regulations are in effect on buses.
- Parents or guardians of students suspended from the bus are responsible for providing
transportation to and from school.
- If a student needs a secondary bus stop please contact transportation. After the first two weeks of school, the district will approve secondary bus stops for school busses that have available seats. If a school bus does not have an available seat the district will be unable to approve a secondary bus stop.
Activity Buses
Students participating in athletics, band, vocational school or extra-curricular
activities will be issued special passes. These passes shall enable them to ride
buses at times other than the regular bus run. Students wishing to come in for make-up
or wishing to stay late must obtain a special bus pass from the teacher or sponsor
of the activity they are remaining for. Students are expected to remain with the
teacher in charge in the designated classroom. All students are expected to promptly
report to their extra-curricular or extra help sessions and document their necessity
to being in the building with a pass. Remaining in the building without proper accountability
or purpose and time will result in disciplinary action and/or reduction of privileges.
A bus pass is needed to board the activity bus. Any student who leaves school property
will not be permitted to ride the bus.
Student Parking
Only seniors and juniors are permitted to register their automobiles and drive to
school. They are to park only in their designated parking area. No underclassmen
will be permitted to register their automobiles. Registration forms are available
in the Main Office. In each case, the owner’s registration card and driver’s license
must be submitted for recording. Cars must display the SRHS parking permit. Permits
may be purchased for $2.00 with parental consent. The permit is to be displayed
on the driver’s side rear window. Any student found parking in a faculty parking
place, parking without valid permit, or driving in a reckless manner while on school
property will be subject to losing his/her parking privilege and/or having his/her
car ticketed by the Stafford Township Police Department. Automobiles which are parked
on Southern Regional property may be searched for drugs, alcohol or other contraband
without notice from school authorities.
Student parking is a privilege. Any violation of school rules or Board policy may
result in revocation of that privilege. Students failing to meet assigned disciplinary
obligations or accumulating excessive absences or tardies may have this privilege
withheld or revoked.